Baby Ddrops is a natural-sourced supplement of vitamin d. Baby Ddrops is tasteless and odorless, and contains no preservative, no artificial flavor and no added Colour. Ddrops is wheat-free, gluten-free, soy-free, corn-free, sugar-free, milk-free and peanut-free. It is easy to use and is specifically designed for breastfed babies. It is designed to be sucked off any clean surface such as mother’s nipple or pacifier. It can also be dropped onto food or into liquids once the baby is older and begins to eat solids.
Product information is provided by the product vendor. This content is a summary for informational purposes only and does not have all possible information about this product. It should not be used as a substitute for advice from health care professionals, as this information alone does not assure that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. For more detailed information on this product, including reported and possible side effects and contraindications, refer to the manufacturer's monograph, or speak with a health care provider. Specifically designed for breastfed or partially breastfed infants, Baby Ddrops® provides the recommended 400 IU of vitamin D in just one tasteless drop. Babies need vitamin D for healthy growth and bone development. The Canadian Paediatric Society recommends all breastfed and partially breastfed infants receive a vitamin D supplement of 400 IU daily. Baby Ddrops® be dropped on mother’s breast before feeding, added to a bottle, or onto a clean surface, such as washed fingertip. Free from preservatives, artificial flavors and coloring, you can feel confident that your baby is getting the nutrients they need and none of the extra stuff they don't.
- Easy-to-use liquid drop. Recommended intake in just one tasteless drop.
- Made with only two naturally sourced ingredients, pure vitamin D3 and fractionated coconut oil.
- Free from preservatives, additives, artificial flavours, colours, and common allergens.
- Babies need vitamin D for healthy growth and development.
- **All of our Ddrops products are filled to the specific number of dosages listed on the bottle, box, and insert. The bottles are not meant to be filled to the very top, so they will appear to be partially full. The bottle size is chosen for ease of use, safety, and label readability.